Monday, July 21, 2008

Call of the Siren

I recall seeing a forumer confessing that he only buy exclusive games, even to the extent of buying exclusives for console he doesn't own which he will then play on his friends' console whenever he gets the chance.

While it does sound pretty extreme (especially the part about buying exclusives for console he doesn't own), being a fanboy myself i do understand what he means and admit that i enjoy exclusive games too. Yes i enjoy exclusive games simply for the mere fact that i don't have to share my games with gamers who don't invest on the same platform, nothing to do with the myth that multiplatform games will be dumb down or compromised, those are just convenient excuse fanboys will use to defend their precious hardware in my opinion.

For a while back, i have been contemplating if i should get either Siren: New Translation or Silent Hill: Homecoming since their release are only months apart. Having played all the previous Silent Hill installments, i do have some attachments to the series and frankly, i'm interested to to see how the new development team will take on the series. The only thing i'm displeased about the new Silent Hill game is it's no longer exclusive to the PS3 platform and worse, during the recent E3 conference Konami announced that it's also going to appear on the PC platform. Now seeing how much i loathe my favourite games appearing on the PC platform, Siren is starting to look like the next best alternative.

After all, Silent Hill creator Toyama is still very much involved with this Siren and the game is also due for a blu-ray release in addition to the PSN release. The only problem is Siren is sort of a semi remake of original which I already played and though I enjoyed the chilling atmosphere and graphics, I couldn’t keep up with the timeline of the game.

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