Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back for One

A few weeks ago i got myself a copy of FFVII in hopes of reviving my ole PSOne and with my portable 5" LCD screen arriving earlier this week, the revival is now complete. I spent a lot less than i expected, i remember first seeing the screen in the local game stores here and the only thing that has always kept me back from getting it was the price. Considering i wasn't planning on playing it that much, the amount of time i foresee myself spending on it just doesn't justify the asking price though it actually wasn't very expensive.

Now that i have the portable screen i can just keep my PSOne handy by my side on the desk instead of having to dig it up whenever i get the urge. Gamers prefer to wait for these PSOne classic to appear on the PSN but if you already own the game initially why bother paying for it again? While i don't actually have an extensive collection of PSOne games i do have everything i could ever want to play on the platform including a few gems i never got around to playing before abandoning the system. Vagrant Story and Syphon Filter 2 were the unfortunate lot as the former get condemned to hell by some of my friends and i lost interest in the latter when the series became a laughing stock with the release of a few poor sequels on the PS2.

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