Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Y2K10 bug

Where were you when it happened, the leap year bug that caused all older model of Playstation3 not to function properly? I was actually planning to turn on my ps3 that Sunday evening but got held up finishing Metal Gear Solid on my PSOne. The next day was sheer panic, the amount of news and post on the internet relating to the bug and how Sony dodged the question of how this could happen and whether or not a clear solution was on its way.

It was then when i realised how attached i was to my ps3 having previously down played the importance of the console when compared with the games it played. I supposed it had to do with how much trouble i went through to get hold of my 80gb backward-compatible unit and how content i was with it, when all my friends had to spend more on additional hard disk space and controller. Mine had everything i need off the box though it came at a slightly higher price than the rest, the fact i didn't need to spent on anything more except games really made me feel grateful of what i have. When the dust has settled and the problem fixed itself the next day, I couldn't wait to turn on my ps3 to make sure everything's ok. Judging from the number of friends I see online that night, I'm betting a lot feel the same too.

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