Saturday, July 21, 2012

Eye Opening Revelation

If you haven't notice by now, I have been playing a lot of SEGA's Yakuza lately. Upon starting slowly but surely on Kenzan, I went back to finish my second run of Yakuza 3. Playing Kenzan in Japanese made me realised I haven't got around to viewing the cut content from the english localization of Yakuza 3 which should be a breeze now that I'm taking the hard way with Kenzan. If only Yakuza 3 was a better game I would have felt more compelled to play the import but as it's, part 3 is pretty inferior when compared with the rest of the series.

Kenzan is a fun diversion even if only because of the novelty factor, like ThePatrick said it best "It's almost as if the cast of Ryu Ga Gotoku were suddenly hired to be actors in a play about Musashi". It makes you appreciate the characters even more, there's a scene in Kenzan where Majima Gorohachi loses his eye and although they aren't the same character, you can't help but glee in fanboy delight. Then there is Yakuza 4 I just started last week but haven't play enough to really get into it here, I did notice there were scenes of Majima before the eye patch in the opening video. Not sure if it’s revealed how he lost his eye in this timeline or if it’s as dramatic as Kenzan but I’m sure it will be a nice revelation for fans.

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