Thursday, January 1, 2015

So Much To Play So Little Time in 2014

The year is almost finished and I thought I would reflect back on the games I have played and completed over the last twelve months. So going through my trophy log and saved games, I have compiled a list of the following games that I started and finished within the last year.

1. Valkyria Chronicles 3 (PSP)
2. Max Payne 3 (PS3)
3. Deadly Premonition (PS3)
4. Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)
5. The Spirit Camera (3DS)
6. Yakuza 5 (PS3)
7. Lollipop Chainsaw (PS3)

None of these games were particularly new or expensive but rest assured, I have not gone cheap on games as I finally got a new Nintendo hardware this year. Cross generation games are still prevalent for now so it remains to be seen when the PS4 will happen, probably not next year unless a nice Yakuza Zero PS4 custom edition emerges.

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