Friday, March 14, 2008

Wii-make over

Everyone complains that the Wii has become the dumping ground for cheap ports and remakes by developers looking to make a quick buck. A similar trend happened to Nintendo's own handheld Gameboy Advance a few years back where a flood of Super NES and NES ports hit the market though Nintendo's themselves were mostly responsible for it as most of this ports were their own first-party titles. Though i don't own a Gameboy Advance, i don't remember hearing any outcry about ports flooding their beloved handheld, possibly because most of these ports were of substantial quality and the original titles the ports were based on were all classic gems.

Capcom have so far, been guilty of three confirmed ports namely Resident Evil 4, Okami and most recently, Resident Evil Zero. While all these titles were all great game when initially released, the fact that Resident Evil 4 and Zero were both made for the Gamecube and the Wii is backwards compatible with GC games makes the whole move questionable. I personally felt that Resident Evil Zero really didn't get a fair chance to shine when it was originally released and this might be a good time to one of the least appreciated RE 'main installment' to find a new audience with the Wii large user base. This will also probably be Capcom's chance to test the water and see how well casual gamers respond to the classic Resident Evil gameplay style. We all know everyone loves Resident Evil 4's gun and run gameplay but does the classic Resident Evil puzzling and adventuring of yester-years have a place in today's gaming standards? We will soon find out...

While i applaud the decision to wii-make Resident Evil Zero, i can't help but wonder why Capcom didn't decide to wii-make Resident Evil Remake instead? Don't get me wrong, the game is as flawless as one would expect from a remake of a timeless classic but the "stuttering cut-scenes" in Remake really had me spooked out as it was the very first game i played on my Wii. I later found out the it's a technical glitch in game and that Capcom was still trying to familiarise themselves with the platform while working on that title. Maybe it's all for the better, a wii-make of a remake is more than enough for anyone fan to handle, and the fact that these are suppose to be quickie ports without much enhancements mean that these small flaws are unlikely to be looked into anyway.

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