Friday, March 18, 2016

Cold Feet, Wet Decision

I finally put my money where my mouth is and bought Fatal Frame V on the Wii U last month. The truth is I have always allocated the money for the full game in my Eshop wallet but get cold feet whenever I'm about to purchase it.

$50 is an awful lot for a digital game especially when you consider RE0 HD costs $20 and that is already a tough sell for some people. This is the story of how I ended up buying the game roughly four months after its release on Eshop.

I realised that all of the Wii U games I owned never came with a printed manual. It's just a box with a shiny disc inside. What's the point of insisting on a retail copy anymore when all you get is a shallow box with a disc inside? Of course, the main reason why most gamers prefer retail is they intend to sell the game back which is also the same reason publishers are pushing for a digital future. These issues are of little concern to me as I never intend to sell off any of my games.

The other thing was I still have plenty of unfinished Wii U games when Fatal Frame V came out last October. Sure I could drop everything on a dime and play FFV but finishing those games and waiting for a potential price drop felt like a better idea. I ended up spending the month of December and January finishing those games. By February, there was still no sign of any discount forthcoming for FFV and my Wii U was starting to gather dust.

I'm a big believer of timing these days, if I have the time and money to play these games now I should make the most of it. After all, what's the point of getting a game cheap like peanuts but you have better and newer games to play by then? Now FFV has my undivided attention and I was fully comfortable with paying the full price for it. A review of this game will follow shortly, or maybe I will start rambling next about how I came to buying Kiwami.

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