Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Next Level

When I think of Level 5 I don't think of Professor Layton or Ni No Kuni like most do. I think of Jeanne D'Arc, the game that got me started on the world of tactical RPG.

I played some RPG prior to Jeanne but always have a lukewarm feeling about the genre. What is it that gamers like so much about RPG? The sappy storyline or fantasy setting were always a big bore for me.

I credit Jeanne D'Arc for starting me on this genre and showing me there are other RPG that interests me. This game and  the PSP system basically turned me into a RPG gamer. It paved the way for me to indulge in other RPG series like Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles.

Sometimes, a special game is good enough to get a gamer started on a new genre. The first Resident Evil was one of those games that introduced many gamers to the survival horror genre. Jeanne D'Arc introduced me to the RPG genre as well as the Level-5 company.

Since competing Jeanne D'Arc, I have feverishly searched for the next Level 5 game that would give me the same feeling. There was one that came close (Rogue Galaxy) while the other is nothing like this (Attack of the Friday Monsters). But I reckon Jeanne D'Arc will always have a special place in my collection.

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