Tuesday, January 29, 2008

For the Love of the Game

As you probably can tell, i love survival horror games. So much so that i'm drawn to any and every survival horror games out there even the ones outside of Capcom and Konami. Having made a bid to try and finish as many playstation2 games that i always longed to play before eventually getting my playstation3, Extermination was one of the few titles high on that list. Remember Extermination? It was survival horror game released early in the system first few years and quickly vanished into obscurity.

Developed by ex-Capcom legend Tokuro Fujiwara who also conceived the brilliant Ghost n' Goblins series, you can understand my longing and anticipation for this game, after all anything that's got to done with Capcom has gotten be golden right? Having finished the game yesterday, I don't think my love and dedication to the genre have ever been tested or stretched this far. The game centres around a group of marines sent to investigate an outbreak in a research facility out in the antarctica. The threat at hand here seems to be an alien species which is able to mutate and breed through water. Having to survive by running or gunning (sometimes both means) have always be part of the appeal of the genre but Extermination combat is so cumbersome, you start to realised why the game allows you to top up your standard ammo with no limit at all. Having to fight tiny bacterial virus about the size of your palm surrounding you at every corner spewing out green venom is no fun at all. Neither is having to target the core (weak point) of fast moving enemies whilst dodging those very same green venom.
The game graphics have stood the test of time pretty well though, boosted by some impressive voice-acting and motion captured cutscenes. Despite high production values, the game is ultimately forgettable especially since it's all over so soon, clocking a game time of roughly 5 hours. Having finished this game, I can't wait to get back to finishing Eternal Darkness.... even Ultimate Ghost n Goblins seems more appealing right now.

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