Thursday, January 21, 2010

Right in The Middle

Being at my age, i have been gaming for a long time you know though i like to think of myself as not quite an old school gamer neither a new age one for that matter. Somewhere in the middle is where i stand that is while i appreciate what the evolution of gaming has brought to this generation, i still firmly believe that gameplay is the purest and most important aspect of a quality game. Now i have friends were grew up around the same time as i did but they certainly don't share the same sentiments as i do. These are what i would termed as new age gamers who sometime think that gaming only began in the 32-bit era with the first Playstation and 'would never play a game without any story'.

I guess you can probably guess i was talking about Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, a game that is not quite a game neither is it a movie. Let me just made it clear that i liked Fahrenheit a lot though it could probably do without all that supernatural nonsense at the end. Some of my new age gamer friends are really looking forward to Heavy Rain and while i do share some of that enthusiasm, will playing and ultimately liking it betray my old school roots?

Well i guess none of that matters when there are naked flesh and french love scenes on the menu.

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