Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Please Wake Up Kotaku

Inception is a great movie, ok I get it. But does Kotaku really have to go all fanboy out on the movie with what is probably their fifth, sixth or maybe tenth post on the movie? Kotaku is a gaming site the last time I checked so what does Inception have to do with video games? Absolutely nothing as far as I know but who knows maybe these God knows how many post might argue that point. Bottom line is I come to a game blog to really about games and not so much on movies or whatever else that interests Kotaku. I'm not sure if Mr Nolan would appreciated his latest "masterpiece" being associated with a lower medium of entertainment such as video games.

It's like they ran out of good game articles to post and simply mail one in. Heck I have been tempted to do so and in fact done so on a few occasion but my personal blog wasn't never meant to be anything more than my personal account on my favourite games. I expected more of Kotaku.

Ok enough ranting for on day, looks like I got away with one myself. Hehe.

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