Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fortune and Thieves

I have been around the gaming block long enough to know that first-party games almost never get a price drop especially the Nintendo made ones. I was fortunate enough to pick up both first issue of Uncharted and Uncharted 2 at budget label price and if these games turned out to be as good as they say then it would really be a steal. I'm aware that Uncharted 2 haven't actually received a re-issue but up until recently, the game didn't look like it was going to get a major price drop. Maybe a budget label or Game of the Year re-issue is on the horizons because the dealer told me that the price drop was attributed to making way for a new version. This certainly deviate from my original plan of finishing the first Uncharted before even considering of picking up the sequel so looks like I would have to make haste with the first game.

It all started with my friends finally getting their bluetooth headsets and playing RE5 co-op with them over the weekend. It felt good playing co-op with old friends and part of me long to play co-op over a new game with all three of us together, something I thought Uncharted 2 fit the bill to the tee. I didn't really want to play Operation Flashpoint again though that isn't completely out of the question I did make a pact with my old friends that I would pick up Uncharted 2 if they would get their headsets. With the price drop just at the right time, I'm glad I was able to keep to my word without going overbudget.

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