Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wii Need More Games Like These

Some say only Nintendo first-party games will continue to sell well on Nintendo Wii system. Well, we have the likes of Suda 51 to thank for at least trying to prove them wrong. Upon hearing that the game have finally arrived at my local game store, i "camped" outside of the shopping mall this morning in an illegal parking spot no less, waiting patiently for them to open their doors. I couldn't wait to play this game and more importantly i wanted to do my part and support the sales of this title. I can't think of a game i would rather play right now, in fact i was hooked pretty much when i first saw the teaser trailer of the game revealed. Of course, shortly after that the game went into hiding as development ramped up and since i thought i had little hopes of playing it then without a Wii, I just put it under my 'one to watch' list.

The game has been out for a few weeks in the states now having earlier debut in the Japanese market to poor sales about a month back. The sales figures in the US are much better, selling 100,000 units to japan's 40,000 units. Though better, those are hardly chart-topping figures to say and Nintendo non-believers are quick to point out that the game should have been released on Sony/Mircosoft system to ensure it reaches out to the right market rather than Nintendo's supposedly "casual" gamers. I disagree as Suda 51 has always had a track record of developing and releasing cult games to poor sales, if he was given the resources to develop this on a system like PS3 which required a lot more development cost, he would probably be reduced to selling toilet paper for real with sales figures like this. Putting it out on the Wii allows Grasshopper to keep development cost down while reaching out to the widest audiences of this generation's console. Well this game is on track to becoming Suda's best selling game so far and i look forward to playing it and seeing what else is in store for us from his Grasshopper studios.

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