Monday, May 11, 2009

7" Wonder

While i was at a local game store last week i spotted a 7" portable LCD screen for the Wii, something similar to the 5" screen i have been using with my PSOne. I do admit i loved my 5" PSOne screen to bits, having the comfort of playing games right on the desk of my room but i just don't see myself doing the same with the Wii just yet. Gamecube game perhaps but playing Wii games where you have to point the wii-mote at the screen sounds like a nightmare with the 7" screen. Frankly i can bear with playing PSOne games on a small screen because of the low resolutions which don't look especially good when blown up to a huge television screen but i still think that Wii and Gamecube game should be appreciated on a bigger screen.

The price is pretty tempting, about half the price of a korean Wii set but i don't know how long these babies will still be on the shelf. Probably not long enough till the day when i decide that Wii and Gamecube games don't look that great anymore and would prefer to play it on a smaller screen.

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