Friday, May 15, 2009

Girl Trouble

Leon S Kennedy has always been established as a ladies man right from his first appearance in RE2, that's the one thing that seems to separate him from the series first male protagonist, Chris. I was happy that learned that the director of the upcoming Darkside Chronicles pointed this out because for the longest time, it seems like i was the only one among my friends who noticed this. Either we are been playing different games or someone is just not paying attention but let's not get side-tracked now shall we?

Anyways the director revealed in his blog that he and game scenario writer Suga-san are dreaming up new plot points and events for the series' favourite ladies man with the ladies of RE2, namely Claire, Ada and Sherry. Yup that right, Sherry who only had a brief brush with Leon at the end of the game will share several levels with Leon which i suppose you would have to assume the role to protect her from the horrors of raccoon city. This is certainly an interesting twist as with the prospect of Claire and Ada meeting for the first time in the series.

Leon will have all the ladies he can handle in DC

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