Saturday, July 11, 2009

What's The Deal with Qore?

One of the dumbest thing i did when i got my playstation3 bundle was not claim my free PSN game bundled inside. You see there was a coupon inserted inside the blu-ray demo disc for complimentary download of the PSN game, Pain. A couple of the thing held me back from doing so during that time, the worry of storage capacity and the concern of a long download time. Eventually when i finally decide on claiming it, the coupon had already expired sometime at the end of last year.

So when i got a couple of back dated game magazine today and discovered one of them contained codes for free download of QORE Episode 8, i was determined not to let this opportunity slipped by me again. Never mind that the said issue with the code is already five months, it doesn't hurt to give it a try and sure enough, the code still works! Being a bit of an old school gamer, i rarely ever take my playstation3 online so i'm not terribly familiar with either QORE or Pulse, gaming programs produced by Sony aiming to bring you the latest in the world of Playstation. My friends download Pulse religiously which i believed is because it's free and also partly because it's got some asian chick hosting it. QORE on the hand, requires subscription fee which i initially thought is because it's a high definition gaming program and thus requires more work than Pulse but then i found out that Pulse is also available in high definition too. So why is Sony charging for one show and not the other? The file size is pretty big at 1.5GB so it would probably be a while before i finish downloading the entire episode and see what the fuss is all about.

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