Friday, May 16, 2008

Thank you for Okami

Thank you.... a lot of people take it for granted but certainly not Capcom. For as long as i remember, Capcom has always included a brief thank you note at the first few pages of the game manual included with the game. I remembered first reading it upon ripping open my Megaman for the Gameboy, the first ever Capcom game in my collection and finding this rather peculiar thank you in the first few pages of the manual. This has continued to be a tradition for Capcom games, as i would find this same note appearing future Capcom games that i got for my Playstation, Playstation2 and Wii.

While it's always the same few lines about how Capcom is proud to bring you this thrilling new addition to your video game library, i admit it lose some of its strength over the years of seeing it. Today when i got home and found my copy of Okami Wii waiting for me, I was happy to flip through the manual (full-color at last!) and discover that apart from the generic thank you note of the past, Capcom has also included a full-page note on how they have set out to create an exceptional game like Okami and are thrilled to present this to you (again). Though it wasn't personally written by hideki, it really made my day... it may not be much but Capcom is the only publisher that bothered to do this and i do appreciated the effort that went into it.

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