Sunday, August 31, 2008

3 is The Magic Number

During this 3 day weekend i have decided to go back to playing Silent Hill 3 on my Playstation 3 in anticipation for the upcoming Silent Hill Homecoming. Surprisingly the graphics in Silent Hill 3 still holds up remarkably well though i believe it has more to do with the series strong art direction rather than the graphical power of the PS2.
Silent Hill 3 is probably my least favourite SH installment of all, the storyline has too much connections to the first Silent Hill and the inclusion of a playable female lead is the worst thing the Team Silent could ever do to the series. The game does however has the best-looking cover of all in the series though i'm referring specifically to the Japanese version. The image of a teenager girl gripping a handgun in fear is a pretty powerful image but it's also the stuff the anti-video game activists would love to get their hands on so it's probably a good idea Konami decided to change it for the overseas release.

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