Saturday, August 23, 2008

Home is Where The Heart is

While having a conversation with some friends on upcoming games this Fall, i failed to come up with a game when asked which game will i most probably get this Fall. Shock, horrors, the guy with the most systems (among my friends at least) has got no game in mind for this upcoming Fall!

I suppose it has something to do with my distinct taste for gaming, as you can tell from this blog i don't usually play a wide-variety of games, in fact my friend would go so far as to pigeon-holed it as "anything horror or gothic with guns & bullets in it". While i don't deny the appeal, i would suppose it's one of the reason why i got so many system to cater to my distinct taste. One game coming out this Fall quickly slipping out of my radar is Silent Hill: Homecoming which received even less attention during this recent Leipzig. Is the game coming out this Fall and has everyone forgotten about it? One thing's for sure, i won't be getting it on release day as i decided to wait it out until the price drops. The reason?

There's no collector edition announced.

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